Delmes Informatics

Like other sites we want to give you the back-stages of our own site, Delmes-Informatics.
Our site aims to improve our visibility and get more customers.
The site was created using Laravel and TailwindCSS.

It includes several functionalities:
1. A home page that redirects our visitors to the other pages.
2. "Our team" shows you who we are and who does what.
3. A "Our services" page that gives more information about the services we offer.
4. "Our projects" shows you the projects that have already been carried out with more information and visuals about them.
5. A contact page with a CAPTCHA to prevent spam.
6. A Dashboard to easily add/edit and delete our projects
7. Translate the site into English, French and Dutch

Killian, Diego & Alba

We hope you will enjoy our site as much as we do!

This project was created by

Killian Delmoitié

Killian Delmoitié

Diego De Bernardi Mendes

Diego De Bernardi Mendes

Alba Henken

Alba Henken