Our Team

Killian Delmoitié
FR - NL - EN

Killian Delmoitié

Brussels, Belgium
Bachelor in Applied informatics
Network Engineer - Full-Stack Laravel Web Developer - Ansible Specialist - IT Support

Hi! I'm Killian Delmoitié, a recent graduate in Applied Informatics with a specialization in networking and security.
Inspired by my passion for IT, I have embarked on this exciting venture to showcase my diverse range of side projects, which I have been working on alongside my student jobs.
By establishing Delmes, we aim to solidify our presence in the industry and attract new clients.
I am fortunate to have the support of my talented colleagues and friends, who share my enthusiasm.
Together, we strive to enhance our skills, accelerate project development, and deliver exceptional results with a heightened level of professionalism.



Killian Delmoitié

Diego De Bernardi Mendes

Luxembourg, Belgium, France
Full-Stack Laravel Web Developer - IT Support

I am Diego De Bernardi Mendes, passionate about IT and specialized in PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
My goal is to enroll in a computer science school to deepen my knowledge and eventually work in cybersecurity.
I am determined to push the boundaries of my skills and create innovative web applications.



Killian Delmoitié
NL - FR - ES

Alba Henken

Brussels, Belgium
Designer - Logo maker

Hello! I am Alba, a design enthusiast. I am here to assist you in the creation of your projects. Design is my great passion, and I love utilizing my creativity to serve others.

